Training in open source engineering and numerical calculation software
We offer a range of courses on open source tools. Beyond traditional academic content, our courses leverage practical experience gained from using these tools in real-world industry applications.
- Structural Analysis with Code Aster – Levels I, II, and III.
- Fluid Dynamics Analysis with OpenFOAM.
- Fluid Dynamics Analysis with Code_Saturne
- Numerical Calculation and Process
Simulations with Scilab.
Technical Support for Code Aster
Code Aster is an open-source software for finite element analysis and numerical simulation in structural and multiphysics mechanics. It is widely tested in the industry and was developed by Electricité de France (EDF) for the study and maintenance of power generation and distribution plants in Europe, primarily nuclear plants. In addition to offering training at various levels in Code Aster, we provide technical support via email, on-site, and by phone. We also have the experience to assist your company in implementing or migrating to this type of solution.